
Profiles in Preservation Program

Profiles in Preservation is going strong. With the goal of having 100 homeowners participating in its first phase, this GDA program is nearly 99% subscribed.

Led by the Board, and in collaboration with a team of architectural historians and other experts, the program’s purpose is to showcase the Garden District’s important homes and buildings and provide accurate information for the general public. In consideration for subscription fees, participating homeowners will receive an authentic history of their homes, a beautiful bronze plaque, telling the brief history of the home, a presentation book complete with the homes’ history, professional photographs of the exteriors, interiors and gardens, and a two-page spread in a beautifully executed coffee-table style book. This book will include the first 100 homes subscribed to the program.

All homes selected for this project must first meet the criteria set forth by the Historic District Landmarks Commission as a significant or contributing structure without altering its significance through exterior renovations. To learn more, contact us via or click here.