Code Enforcement
All property owners are responsible to maintain not only their home by the property surrounding it. Likewise, contractors working on a home or building are responsible for keeping the area free from debris so that neighbors can continue to enjoy the neighborhood they have invested in and love.
We ask all residents to be respectful of their neighbors while under construction keeping noise, other disturbances and construction debris to a minimum. Dumpsters should not be kept any longer than needed as they take up the much needed parking for others.
If you know of a “problem property” please inform the city first to request an inspection and remediation. This can be reported by calling 311 or via email to 311@nola.gov. You should receive a confirmation number so that you can check back to get a progress report on your claim.
Council Member Harris’ office is always helpful. Please contact Matthew Schoenberger at (504) 658-1020 if you do not get an adequate response after reporting this to 311.
If the city’s response is not acceptable, please inform the Association. We may be able to assist in the process.
For more information about the city code, visit the Department of Code Enforcement FAQs.