Front Yard Paving
The Urban Conservancy Shares Information on Why Front Yard Paving is a Problem in New Orleans
Paving in excess of 40% of your front yard (and side yard on corner lots) is illegal in most New Orleans neighborhoods under the new Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance but since no permit issuance is required to pave a front yard area, the practice is widespread. Property owners replace their green spaces in favor of concrete and other impermeable surfaces in an effort to provide additional parking and/or reduce yard maintenance. These hard surfaces affect more than the single lot on which they sit. Rampant front yard paving is a community issue that has broad and significant effects on the city of New Orleans. Concerned citizens are encouraged to report excessive yard paving violations to the Department of Safety and Permits One Stop Shop call line at (504) 658-7100.
To see the full article and diagrams, please click on the link below.
Front Yard Paving Information